Our Programs

It’s our program to help people reduce their poverty by a huge number of helpful campaigns to make it essential.

Education Development

Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) Harmoni merupakan bagian dari Harmoni Anak Negeri yang fokus pada layanan Pendidikan, khususnya Pendidikan nonformal.


Program berkelanjutan yang bertujuan mengembangkan potensi lokal masyarakat, membentuk karakter positif pada anak muda melalui pengembangan kreatifitas, sains, dan kewirausahaan.


Pluralisme agama semestinya bukan hanya dipahami dalam tataran konsep tetapi pluralisme agama harus diimplementasikan dalam dunia praktis, yaitu kerjasama yang harmonis antarpemeluk agama yang ada.
About us

Official Website
Harmoni Anak Negeri

Harmoni Anak Negeri, didirikan kelompok muda terdidik dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan ternama di Indonesia. Kelompok muda profesional dengan latar belakang profesi dan keahlian yang cukup beragam dalam bidang pendidikan, social dan keagamaan. Yayasan ini didirikan dengan spirit unity in diversity dengan memadukan unsur modernitas dengan tradisionalitas dalam konteks berbangsa dan bernegara, memadukan unsur seni dan budaya untuk membangun kearipan lokal, serta mengupayakan seoptimal mungkin pembentukkan kepribadian yang multikultural.

2021 fundraiser champions for social justice

Help raise $30,000 for the community of Stanwood Camano.

The Gainlove Global aid network is hosting an event to educate our community about the services we provide and our foundational Family Support Principles. We will highlight voices and stories from community members impacted by The Gainlove Global aid network. We will also have a keynote speaker discussing social and racial equity and its impact on individuals and community outcomes. Our keynote speaker will be providing a deeper dive on the discussion of racial equity with a series that will follow our event in the winter of 2020.
How we help.

Give a future full
of choices

Every child deserves a healthy start

Provide FREE services to check healthcare and prescribe basic resources like food and medical. 

They do medication and refer patients to a program just as they do any other specialty and improve health to people who are seeking medical care. 

Krista’s Climb for a Cause

Make learning possible for children who are all ages, from kindergarten to high school and adults also. 

Provide learning vocational training, educational opportunities that help adults improve their education, and catch up with modern life. 

Being Realistic With Your Goals

Enhance children protection system to dealing with the prevention of child abuse in general, anti-bullying or prevention of child sexual abuse.

Ensuring children live in a supportive family environment, full educational learning, access to justice and protection from violence, abuse and exploitation.

We always see hope

Provide exceptional healthcare, foods & funds to support victims in natural or pandemic disaster, war, …

Offer free of charge, high quality medical treatment and surgical care for people.

We need your help.

Featured Campaigns

It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow you get rid of everything that is not essential to makihave to get bad.

Volunteer Positions Available


Staff and volunteers across 16 countries


Of our staff in these countries are local


Invested in all our programs last year 2019


Invested in all our programs last year 2019

“Generasi muda kita harus tumbuh menjadi agen restorasi yang melahirkan kebaikan dan perubahan kepada masyarakat luas.”

Lanlan Muhria, Founder Harmoni Anak Negeri, Lecturer

Who we are.

Make a Difference

It’s our missions to help people reduce their poverty by a huge number of helpful campaigns to make it essential.


Berupaya mengembangkan hubungan yang kuat dengan masyarakat dalam menjalankan program yang berdaya-guna dan multi-guna, sehingga program berjalan secara berkesinambungan.


Berupaya menjalin kerjasama dengan pemerintah, bisnis, komunitas, masyarakat sipil, dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat untuk melaksanakan dan mendukung program


Bergerak atas dasar kejujuran dan berkomitmen untuk menegakkan standar tertinggi perilaku dan etika


Bergerak atas dasar keterbukaan dengan semua pemangku kepentingan, serta berkomitmen untuk menegakkan standar tertinggi perilaku dan etika

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    from our blog.

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    Committed to Transparency

    Bergerak atas dasar keterbukaan dengan semua pemangku kepentingan, serta berkomitmen untuk menegakkan standar tertinggi perilaku dan etika

    Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

    +[62] 85161916089

    Cempaka Wangi Regency, Blok M No 8, Cempaka, Talun, Cirebon 45171



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